Item Coversheet
ITEM 21.
County Manager - Consent


DATE:August  20, 2024 
DEPARTMENT:County Manager
REQUESTER:Glen Salyer 
TITLE:Reprogram American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding 


A) Approve attached revisions to the American Rescue Plan Act Recovery & Resilience Plan Approved Allocations that reallocate $2,643,525 of lapsed American Rescue Plan Act funding to Lee County Public Safety for Emergency Medical Service compensation and $250,000 to United Way for The Nonprofit Human Services & Capacity Building project;

B) Delegate authority to the County Manager or designee to effectuate obligation and expenditure of the approved ARPA allocations; and

C) Delegate authority to the County Manager or designee to extend agreement performance periods as deemed necessary based on specific project circumstances.

 Reallocates $2,893,525 of American Rescue Plan Act funds from previously programmed activities to provide $2,643,525 for eligible Public Safety expenditures (including Emergency Medical Service position salaries and benefits through December 31, 2026); and $250,000 for the United Way Nonprofit Human Services & Capacity Building project to cover project salaries and closeout. The American Rescue Plan Act funds are being reallocated from programs that underspent their initial grant awards to address urgent community needs that are eligible under federal rule.
 A)Board Action and Other History

The BoCC participated in an ARPA workshop on September 7, 2021. On October 19, 2021 the BoCC authorized Phase One investments for American Rescue Plan Act Funding. On February 11, 2022 during its Strategic Planning session the BoCC provided consensus policy direction for Phase Two investments under the American Rescue Plan Act. Phase Two investments for American Rescue Plan Act funding were approved by the BoCC on March 1, 2022. Lee County has submitted all required reports to US Treasury. On June 21, 2022, May 26, 2023 and March 5, 2024 the BoCC approved revisions to the allocation plan. Lee County has submitted all required reports to US Treasury.


On November 2, 2021 the BoCC approved the creation of twenty-one (21) new EMS positions to address staffing impacts associated with the Covid-19 pandemic. On March 1, 2022 the BoCC approved a subrecipient agreement with United Way to fund a project for Nonprofit Human Services and Capacity Building.

 B)Policy Issues
 C)BoCC Goals

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) provides $149,675,549 in direct local funding assistance for Lee County to address public health response; negative economic impacts to households, small businesses, and nonprofits; services to disproportionately impacted communities; core government service; and infrastructure.

All funding must be obligated by December 31, 2024 or returned to US Treasury. Accordingly, as individual grant programs wind down, the County will reallocate unused funding to eligible projects that can be obligated prior to the deadline.

On November 2, 2021 the BoCC approved the creation of twenty-one (21) new EMS positions to address staffing impacts associated with the Covid-19 pandemic. Continuing workload impacts have necessitated the ongoing maintenance of those staff positions and staff recommends reallocating $2,643,525 towards those expenses.

On March 1, 2022 the BoCC approved a subrecipient agreement with United Way to fund a project for Nonprofit Human Services and Capacity Building for $3,000,000. Staff recommends allocating an additional $250,000 to this project for a total of $3,250,000.



Existing Project/Activity

Amount to be Reallocated

Workforce Training and Certification Grant (Micro and Rapid Credentialing) The School Board of Lee County, Florida


Support Childcare Providers to Increase Capacity - Early Learning Coalition of SWFL


Shelter Operations to support Bob Janes Empowerment Center. Center for Progress and Excellence


Small Business Technical Assistance – SBDC


Small Business Technical Assistance – SCORE


Small Business Technical Assistance - Southwest Regional Manufacturers Association


Reimbursement Grant to Incentivize Local Meeting Bookings to Rebound from Negative Economic Impact to the Tourism Industry


Nonprofit Human Services Grant Program - United Way


Nonprofit Human Services & Capacity Building - United Way


Public Sector Workforce: Payroll and Benefits for Public Health, Public Safety, or Human Services Workers - Emergency Medical Staff (21)




Subrecipient projects will be monitored for federal compliance. The subrecipients are required to report quarterly to Lee County on project progress and performance. Lee County will review and submit the required quarterly and annual reports to the US Treasury with information related to each of these projects.

  Approve motion
 A)Current year dollar amount of item:
 B)Is this item approved in the current budget?N/A
 C)Is this a revenue or expense item?Expense
 D)Is this Discretionary or Mandatory?Discretionary   
 E)Will this item impact future budgets?
If yes, please include reasons in III(D) above.
 F)Fund: American Rescue Plan
Account Strings: 11129500100  
 G) Fund Type?Other:  American Rescue Plan Act: Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds 

ARPA funded expenses are budgeted from FY2020-2021 through FY2026-2027. The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) provides $149,675,549 in direct local funding assistance for Lee County. The funds need to be obligated by December 31, 2024 and expended by 2026.

DescriptionUpload DateType
Proposed ARPA Allocations as of August 20, 20248/12/2024Backup Material
County ManagerSalyer, Glen Approved8/7/2024 - 10:34 AM
Budget ServicesHenkel, Anne Approved8/8/2024 - 11:52 AM
Budget ServicesWinton, PeterApproved8/8/2024 - 12:00 PM
County AttorneySwindle, AmandaApproved8/12/2024 - 10:32 AM
County ManagerSalyer, Glen Approved8/12/2024 - 4:09 PM