Item Coversheet
County Lands - Consent


DATE:April  2, 2024 
REQUESTER:Robert Clemens 
TITLE:Approve Purchase of Land for Future Roadway Expansion of Sunshine Blvd. 

 A) Approve Purchase Agreement with M&E Development, LLC, to acquire +/-8.8 acres of land (Parcel 104) in the amount of $340,000, for the future widening of Sunshine Boulevard North, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. The property is located at 3400 Sunshine Boulevard North, Lehigh Acres;
B) Authorize Chair to execute the Purchase Agreement on behalf of the Board;
C) Authorize payment of fees and costs, estimated at $20,000, to complete the transaction;
D) Authorize County Lands to handle and accept all documentation necessary to complete the transaction; and
E) Approve a Budget Transfer of Funds from Road Impact Fees Central District Reserve Fund 38823 in the amount of $360,000 and adjust the FY 2023/24 Capital Improvement Program accordingly.
 Acquires +/-8.8 acres for the future expansion of Sunshine Boulevard North.  The purchase amount is $340,000 plus closing costs estimated at $20,000. Sunshine Boulevard North is a project identified and included in the Transportation Priorities that were adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on June 6, 2023. The property is located on the south side of Sunshine Boulevard North, west of the intersection with Flora Avenue North, Lehigh Acres. Funding for this purchase was not included in the current budget, a transfer from Road Impact Fee Reserves is being requested to cover the cost of the property plus closing costs. The purchase price is supported by an appraisal and subsequent purchase of a similar 8.8-acre parcel for $340,000.
 A)Board Action and Other History
 B)Policy Issues
 C)BoCC Goals
  A +/-8.8-acre tract of land, located at 3400 Sunshine Boulevard North, Lehigh Acres, is available for purchase by the County. This vacant residential tract is a linear parcel along the south side of Sunshine Boulevard North, west of the intersection with Flora Avenue North. Per discussions with the Community Development department, the tract can support up to 21 residential units.

Owner: M&E Development, LLC, a Florida limited liability company
Site Address: 3400 Sunshine Boulevard North, Lehigh Acres
STRAP No.: 13-46-26-11-00000.K000

This property was not appraised. However, a neighboring tract was recently appraised by the County, which valuation supports the purchase price. See the attached Value Justification Analysis. Acquiring the tract voluntarily, prior its subdivision and development by M&E Development, will provide a significant cost savings to the County, preclude potential driveway connections to the roadway corridor, and avoid the potential relocation of residents.

Estimated Closing Costs: $20,000 (Costs include environmental assessment, title commitment/policy, survey tasks, and closing expenses)

The property sold in December of 2023. See attached 5-Year Sales History.
 A)Current year dollar amount of item:
 B)Is this item approved in the current budget?No
 C)Is this a revenue or expense item?Expense
 D)Is this Discretionary or Mandatory?Discretionary   
 E)Will this item impact future budgets?
If yes, please include reasons in III(D) above.
 F)Fund: Road Impact Fees Central District
Program: Capital Projects
Project: Sunshine Blvd North
Account Strings: 20079438823  
 G) Fund Type?Other:  Road Impact Fees 
DescriptionUpload DateType
Value Justification Analysis3/7/2024Backup Material
Five Year Sales History3/7/2024Backup Material
Title3/7/2024Backup Material
Location Maps3/7/2024Backup Material
Budget Transfer3/21/2024Transfer of Funds
040224R-C-7-Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Real Estate4/9/2024Agreement
040224R-C-7-Transfer of Funds4/9/2024Transfer of Funds
County LandsClemens, RobertApproved3/20/2024 - 9:52 AM
County LandsPrice, RobApproved3/8/2024 - 7:09 AM
Budget ServicesGuttery, AngelaApproved3/21/2024 - 12:42 PM
Budget ServicesWinton, PeterApproved3/21/2024 - 1:48 PM
County AttorneyHalverson, DavidApproved3/26/2024 - 9:30 AM
County ManagerMora, MarcApproved3/26/2024 - 1:34 PM