Item Coversheet
ITEM 12.
Human Services - Consent


DATE:April  18, 2023 
DEPARTMENT:Human and Veteran Services
REQUESTER:Roger Mercado 
TITLE:Accept Continuum of Care Grant Funds from HUD 

 A) Accept $2,012,619 in Continuum of Care (CoC) grant funds from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

B) Approve budget amendment resolution to add $2,012,619 in grant funds to the 2022-2023 budget.

C) Authorize Chair, on behalf of the Board, to execute U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) grant agreements, sub-recipient contracts, and future necessary amendments that do not substantially change the overall intent of the agreement/contract, once received.

D) Authorize County Manager or designee to sign grant/project reports.
 Accepts U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Continuum of Care funds for the fiscal year 2022-2023 budget. Funding will provide housing and services to persons who are experiencing homelessness. Funds are administered by Human and Veteran Services and local non-profit agencies. Approximately 561 persons will be provided information, referrals, housing and supportive services. The total allocation of $2,012,619 will be expended during fiscal years 2023 and 2024.
 A)Board Action and Other History
  Pursuant to 24 CFR Part 578, and as approved by the Board of County Commissioners at the September 20, 2022 meeting (Agenda Item 11), Lee County submitted an application for HUD Continuum of Care funds on September 30, 2022.

HUD awarded Continuum of Care funds on March 28, 2023, and is in the process of preparing grant agreement for execution with Lee County. Funding will be available upon execution of these agreements.
 B)Policy Issues
  Lee County Administrative Code 3-17 requires Board approval for all grant applications and awards.
 C)BoCC Goals
  Meets requirements for grant funding, which provides for Human Services in Lee County. Funding addresses housing and service needs for persons experiencing homelessness in Lee County, as identified in the Homeless Continuum of Care Strategic Plan.

The Lee County Continuum of Care (CoC) includes local governments, agencies, advocates, and program users who collectively plan and implement programs to serve persons who are homeless and at risk of homelessness in Lee County. The Lee County Homeless Coalition and Lee County Human and Veteran Services coordinate this effort, and the County officially submits an annual grant application for HUD CoC funding as the “Collaborative Applicant.” This federal funding provides housing and services for persons who are experiencing homelessness in Lee County, and has been accepted and utilized in Lee County since 1995.

On September 20, 2022, the Board approved Agenda Item #11, which authorized the submission of the 2021 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) CoC funding application.

HUD announced 2022 CoC awards on March 28, 2023, and budget must be established to commit and expend the awarded funds. This award provides funding for eight (8) projects.

  • Five (5) permanent supportive housing projects operated by Community Assisted and Supported Living (CASL),
  • One (1) permanent housing project for victims of domestic violence administered by Catholic Charities Diocese of Venice,
  • One (1) planning project administered by Human and Veteran Services, and
  • One (1) project to facilitate coordinated entry administered/operated by Human & Veteran Services and a community nonprofit agency.


The acceptance of this funding will require the execution of six (6) sub recipient contracts with two (2) nonprofit agencies (sub-recipients) as follows:

  • Community Assisted and Supportive Living, Inc: Supportive Services in the amount of $128,157, to provide case management, other client services and permanent supportive housing minimum of 17 individuals who have been homeless for long periods and have a severe and persistent mental illness.
  • Community Assisted and Supportive Living, Inc: Permanent Supportive Housing in the amount of $171,458, to provide case management, other client services and permanent supportive housing for 11 individuals who have been homeless for long periods and have a severe and persistent mental illness.
  • Community Assisted and Supported Living, Inc: Rental Assistance in the amount of $199,656, to provide rental subsidies for 27 individuals residing in permanent supportive housing who have been homeless for long periods and have a severe and persistent mental illness.
  • Community Assisted and Supported Living, Inc: RTF II Permanent Supportive Housing in the amount of $688,074, to provide permanent supportive housing in an assisted living format for 16 individuals who have been homeless for long periods and have a severe and persistent mental illness.
  • Community Assisted and Supported Living, Inc: Permanent Supportive Housing Scattered Site Rental Assistance in the amount of $296,143, to provide rental subsidies for 40 individuals residing in permanent supportive housing who have been homeless for long periods and have a severe and persistent mental illness.
  • Catholic Charities Diocese of Venice: Domestic Violence Rapid Rehousing in the amount of $256,726, to provide rental subsidies and supportive services for 30 households who have survived domestic violence.

In addition to funding being contracted with sub-recipients, Lee County Human and Veteran Services will administer the following awards:


  • $165,000, in Support Services-Coordinated Entry funds to support salary and benefit costs for existing Coordinated Entry Coordinator staff and to operate the Coordinated Entry System for Lee County. The Coordinated Entry Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that persons referred through the Coordinated Entry System are prioritized for and connected with housing and services. The Coordinated Entry System, serves as the single point of entry for persons who are experiencing homelessness to access permanent housing resources. Individuals and families experiencing homelessness who contact Coordinated Entry will be assessed and prioritized for housing and services. An estimated 2865 individuals or families experiencing homelessness will be linked to housing and/or services through Southwest Florida Connect
  • $107,405, in CoC planning grant funds to support the salary and benefit costs for CoC management staff that will carry out activities that will increase CoC collaboration and enhance project outcomes.


The total award is $2,012,619 and requires a 25% match, which is met through sub-recipient cash or in-kind contributions, other grant funds, and County General Funds already being used to support existing staff’s salaries.

 A)Current year dollar amount of item:
 B)Is this item approved in the current budget?No
 C)Is this a revenue or expense item?Revenue
 D)Is this Discretionary or Mandatory?Discretionary   
 E)Will this item impact future budgets?
If yes, please include reasons in III(D) above.
 F)Fund: Federal Grant through Continuum of Care Program
Program: U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Project: Continuum of Care
Account Strings: 11136013829  
 G) Fund Type?General Fund, Other:  24 CFR Part 578 Continuum of Care Program 

HUD announced 2022 CoC awards on March 28, 2023.

The HUD grant agreements will need to be signed by the BOCC Chair upon receipt from HUD.

The sub-recipient contracts have varying effective dates, as noted below. Contracts are prepared using a template approved by Lee County’s Risk Management and Attorney’s Offices, which includes the specific HUD Agreement for the project and applicable federal requirements. Prior to submission to the Chair for signature, the prepared contract will be signed by the agency, and reviewed for legal sufficiency by the Lee County Attorney’s Office and by Risk Management for applicable insurance requirements. Any balance of grant funds remaining at the end of the fiscal year will be carried over to FY 2022-2023.

Effective dates of sub recipient contracts:

  • Community Assisted and Supported Living, Inc Rental Assistance - April 1, 2023
  • Community Assisted and Supported Living, Inc Permanent Supportive Housing – October 1, 2023
  • Community Assisted and Supported Living, Inc Supportive Services - June 1, 2023
  • Community Assisted and Supported Living, Inc Permanent Supportive Housing Scattered Site– October 1, 2023
  • Community Assisted and Supported Living, Inc RTF II Permanent Supportive Housing– October 1, 2023
  • Catholic Charities Diocese of Venice DV Rapid Re-Housing – October 1, 2023


Effective dates of Human and Veteran Services contracts:


  • Supportive Services-Coordinated Entry – October 1, 2023
  • CoC Planning Grant – June 1, 2023

  1. The Board Chair will need to sign the following:
    a. Sub-recipient contracts once prepared, and if necessary, approve any future amendments to the contracts, for this and previous fiscal years, that do not substantially alter the original intent of the contract.
  2. Human and Veteran Services staff will administer and oversee CoC projects throughout the program year.
DescriptionUpload DateType
Budget Resolution Request3/31/2023Budget Amendment
Budget Amendment4/10/2023Budget Amendment
041823R-C-12-RESO 23-04-22 Budget Amendment4/20/2023Resolution
041823R-C-12-HUD Continuum of Care Program Doc(s)- CASL Rental Assitance Agreement FL0267L4D032215 and CASL Supportive Svs Agreement FL0317L4D032217/13/2023Agreement
041823R-C-12-HUD Continuum of Care Program Doc(s) - CASL Rapid Rehousing Program Contract 98488/15/2023Contract
041823R-C-12-HUD Continuum of Care Program Doc(s) - CASL Contract 98498/15/2023Contract
041823R-C-12-HUD Continuum of Care Program Doc(s)-Grant Agreement FL0923L4D032201-CASL Permanent Supportive Housing 9/19/2023Agreement
041823R-C-12-HUD Continuum of Care Program Doc(s)-Grant Agreement FL0819L4D032203-Southwest Florida Connect SSO-CE9/19/2023Agreement
041823R-C-12-HUD Continuum of Care Program Doc(s)-2022 CoC Planning Grant FL0985L4D032200 FL9/28/2023Agreement
041823R-C-12-HUD Continuum of Care Program Doc(s)-CASL RTF II Permanent Supportive Housing Grant FL0986L4D0322009/28/2023Agreement
041823R-C-12-HUD Continuum of Care Program Doc(s)-CASL PSH Scattered Site Rental Assistance FL0987L4D03220011/1/2023Agreement
041823R-C-12-HUD Continuum of Care Program Doc(s)-CASL Catholic Charities DV-RRH FL0988D4D03220011/1/2023Agreement
041823R-C-12-HUD Continuum of Care Program Doc(s)-CASL RTF II Permanent Supportive Housing Grant FL0986L4D032200 - Contract 992411/1/2023Contract
041823R-C-12-HUD Continuum of Care Program Doc(s)-Revised CASL RTF II Permanent Supportive Housing Grant FL0986L4D03220012/5/2023Contract
041823R-C-12-HUD Continuum of Care Program Doc(s)- CASL Catholic Charities DV-FL0988L4D032200 Contract 997712/14/2023Contract
041823R-C-12-HUD Continuum of Care Program Doc(s)-Grant Agreement Amendment FL0923L4D032201-CASL Permanent Supportive Housing 12/26/2023Agreement
041823R-C-12-HUD Continuum of Care Program Doc(s)- CASL Contract 99901/11/2024Contract
041823R-C-12-HUD Continuum of Care Program Doc(s) - CASL Contract 10011, Grant FL0923L4D0322011/19/2024Contract
041823R-C-12-HUD Continuum of Care Program Doc(s) - CASL Contract 10011, Grant FL0923L4D032201 - Amendment 12/2/2024Contract
Human and Veteran ServicesIsley, RaeApproved4/10/2023 - 10:29 AM
Human and Veteran ServicesMercado, Roger Approved4/10/2023 - 11:10 AM
Budget ServicesHenkel, Anne Approved4/10/2023 - 12:22 PM
Budget ServicesWinton, PeterApproved4/10/2023 - 2:22 PM
County AttorneyFraser, AndreaApproved4/10/2023 - 2:42 PM
County ManagerMora, MarcApproved4/10/2023 - 5:05 PM