Item Coversheet
ITEM 11.
County Lands - Consent


DATE:December  7, 2021 
REQUESTER:Robert Clemens 
TITLE:Approve Easement Purchases for Fiesta Village Reuse Main & Summerlin Rd. Force Main Projects 

 A) Approve Easement Purchase Agreement with JMAXX, LLC, for the purchase of a Perpetual Utility Easement (+/- .23 acres) and a Temporary Construction Easement (+/- .53 acres), in the amount of $30,000, for the Fiesta Village Reuse Main and Summerlin Road FM Replacement Projects, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Agreement;
B) Authorize Chair, on behalf of the Board, to execute the Easement Purchase Agreement and Perpetual Utility Easement and the Temporary Construction Easement;
C) Authorize payment of necessary fees and costs to close the transaction, and
D) Authorize Department of County Lands to handle and accept all documentation necessary to complete this transaction.
 Approves the purchase of a Perpetual Utility Easement (+/- .23 acres) and a Temporary Construction Easement (+/- .53 acres), in the amount of $30,000, for the Fiesta Village Reuse Main and Summerlin Road Force Main Replacement Projects. The easement is from a portion of the property known as Safety Street, Fort Myers, Florida south of Summerlin Road also known as Strap Number 08-46-24-00-00001.0410.
 A)Board Action and Other History
 B)Policy Issues
 C)BoCC Goals
  The Lee County Utilities Projects includes design and construction of a reuse main to send more reuse water to the Fort Myers Beach WWTP reuse distribution system and design and construction of a new force main along Summerlin Road. By increasing the system capacity, we can better utilize the auxiliary irrigation water source and optimize disposal of WWTP effluent. The force main project will replace an aging force main with numerous breaks.

Grantor: JMAXX, LLC, a Florida limited liability company
Site Address: a portion of the property known as Safety Street, Fort Myers, Florida south of Summerlin Road
Part of STRAP No.: 08-46-24-00-00001.0410
Purchase Price: $30,000

Estimated Closing Costs: $850 (Includes closing fee, title insurance, documentary stamps and recording fees for final easements)
The subject easement was not appraised. The purchase price is based upon a voluntary resolution and avoidance of acquisition costs, which would have exceeded that amount.

There have been no sale transactions for this property in the last 5 years.
 A)Current year dollar amount of item:
 B)Is this item approved in the current budget?Yes
 C)Is this a revenue or expense item?Expense
 D)Is this Discretionary or Mandatory?Discretionary   
 E)Will this item impact future budgets?
If yes, please include reasons in III(D) above.
 F)Fund: Utilities Capital Improvement
Program: Utilities
Project: Fiesta Village RM Upgrade & Summerlin Rd 20" FM Replacement
Account Strings: 20061648730, 20065348730  
 G) Fund Type?Enterprise   
DescriptionUpload DateType
Easement Purchase Agreement11/8/2021Agreement
Perpetual Utility Easement11/8/2021Agreement
Temporary Construction Easement11/8/2021Agreement
Title Research Memorandum11/8/2021Backup Material
Location Maps11/8/2021Backup Material
120721R-C-11-Easement Purchase Agreement12/10/2021Agreement
120721R-C-11-Partially Executed Temporary Construction Easement Agreement12/10/2021Agreement
120721R-C-11-Partially Executed Perpetual Utility Easement12/13/2021Agreement
120721R-C-11-Fully Executed Perpetual Utility Easement8/5/2022Agreement
County LandsClemens, RobertApproved11/17/2021 - 11:44 AM
County LandsKeyes, Pamela Approved11/17/2021 - 3:12 PM
Budget ServicesGuttery, AngelaApproved11/18/2021 - 1:28 PM
Budget ServicesWinton, PeterApproved11/18/2021 - 2:23 PM
County AttorneyHalverson, DavidApproved11/27/2021 - 4:30 PM
County ManagerMora, MarcApproved11/29/2021 - 4:37 PM