Item Coversheet
ITEM 31.
Transportation - Consent


DATE:December  7, 2021 
REQUESTER:Randy Cerchie 
TITLE:Approve Agreement to Join E-ZPass to Issue Multi-Protocol Transponders 

 1) Approve and execute E-ZPass Operations Interagency Sponsored Affiliate Member Agreement where Lee County is sponsored as an affiliate member by Central Florida Expressway Authority (a full member agency), per year cost is $10,000.
2) Approve and designate the DOT department director to have Delegation of Signature authority to sign agreement amendments while the Memorandum of Understanding Agreement with Central Florida Expressway Authority and/or the Sponsored Affiliate Member Agreement are in effect.
3) Approve reimbursement amount of $200,000 for software development changes to Central Florida Expressway Authority’s toll system to process E-ZPass transactions as the County’s sponsoring E-ZPass agency.
 An approved E-ZPass Sponsored Affiliate Member Agreement will allow Lee County to issue special multi-protocol transponders that will work on both Florida and E-ZPass toll lanes. As a Sponsored Affiliate Member, Lee County transponders and electronic toll transactions on E-ZPass toll lanes will be processed through the Central Florida Expressway (CFX). The costs to complete the interoperability process will require software upgrades, a one-time $200,000 payment to CFX and a payment of $60,000 to the County’s toll software vendor (already included in a Board approved contract). Execution of this Agreement will allow the County to issue multi-protocol transponders that will work with 27 tolling agencies and 19 States throughout Florida and the northeast.
 A)Board Action and Other History
  In 2018, Central Florida Expressway Authority joined the E-Z Pass group as a full member agency and began accepting E-Z Pass transponders in Central Florida. E-Z Pass is the tolling group in the northeastern United States that covers 27 different tolling agencies in 19 states. On November 17, 2020, Lee County entered into a memorandum of understanding as Central Florida Expressway Authority to act as Lee County’s parent agency for accepting E-Z Pass transponders in Lee County toll lanes with no transaction fee for E-Z Pass transactions. By accepting E-Z Pass transponders, Lee County intends to follow E-Z Pass interoperability business rules.

This next step is for Lee County to join the E-Z Pass Interagency Group as a Sponsored Affiliate Member with Central Florida Expressway Authority acting as our sponsor agency. This will allow Lee County to issue multi - protocol transponders that will work throughout Florida and E-Z Pass lanes. By accepting Central Florida Expressway Authority as our sponsoring agency, Lee County will reimburse Central Florida Expressway Authority up to $200,000 for development software changes to their toll system. Lee County's internal development changes would cost an estimated $60,000 and would be covered under our existing contract with Transcore.
 B)Policy Issues
 C)BoCC Goals

There are two options for how Lee County could join E-ZPass, Sponsored Affiliate or Full Member. The Full Member option would cost the County about $700,000 in software modifications, $25,000 per year annual fee plus the County would need to hire three employees to handle the direct coordination with E-Z Pass. The Sponsored Affiliate option will cost $260,000 in one-time software modifications and $10,000 annually. As a Sponsored Affiliate Lee County can join the IAG under the Central Florida Expressway for no additional costs paid to them after the initial software modifications.

Staff is recommending entering E-ZPass as a Sponsored Affiliate.

Joining E-ZPass will allow the County the ability to issue transponders to customers that will work across 27 tolling agencies throughout Florida and in the northeastern states.

 A)Current year dollar amount of item:
 B)Is this item approved in the current budget?Yes
 C)Is this a revenue or expense item?Expense
 D)Is this Discretionary or Mandatory?Discretionary   
 E)Will this item impact future budgets?
If yes, please include reasons in III(D) above.
 F)Fund: Toll Revenue
Program: DOT Tolls Leeway
Project: Other Contracted Services
Account Strings: PE5414742104  
 G) Fund Type?Enterprise   
 Implementation date to be coordinated with Central Florida Expressway Authority after development software changes are completed and tested with a target go live date of September - October 2022.
DescriptionUpload DateType
Amendment 2 for E-ZPass Interagency Operating Agreement11/9/2021Agreement
120721R-A-9-fka C31- Partially Executed EZ Pass Operating Agreement Amendment 212/13/2021Agreement
TransportationCerchie, RandyApproved11/17/2021 - 11:18 AM
Budget ServicesHenkel, Anne Approved11/18/2021 - 7:06 AM
Budget ServicesWinton, PeterApproved11/18/2021 - 11:29 AM
County AttorneyAdams, JosephApproved11/22/2021 - 8:39 AM
County ManagerHarner, David Approved11/22/2021 - 10:53 AM