Item Coversheet
ITEM 10.
County Lands - Consent


DATE:June  18, 2019 
REQUESTER:Robert Clemens 
TITLE:Approve Purchase of Land for North Lee County Wellfield Expansion 

  1. Approve Purchase Agreement with Patricia Huffmaster, for the voluntary purchase of Parcel 108 (±3.28 acres – fee simple interest) in the amount of $100,000 for the North Lee County Water Treatment Plant Wellfield Expansion, Project No. 7619, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Purchase Agreement;

  2. Authorize the Chair on behalf of the Board to execute the Purchase Agreement;

  3. Authorize payment of the necessary fees and costs to complete the transaction;

  4. Authorize County Lands to handle and accept all documentation necessary to complete the transaction.


Acquires a ±3.28 acre parcel in the amount of $100,000 (plus costs to close) for the N. Lee County Water Treatment Plant Wellfield Project. This purchase avoids the need for condemnation and its related fees, costs and time to process. The parcel provides the necessary land for a raw water well located at 6751 Rich Road, N. Ft. Myers. The BoCC previously approved the North Lee County Water Treatment Plant and wellfield expansion as part of its Capital Improvement Program.

 A)Board Action and Other History
 B)Policy Issues
 C)BoCC Goals

Lee County Utilities is planning to expand the North Lee County Wellfield, which is required to support the current raw water capacity of the North Lee County Water Treatment Plant.  The water treatment plant serves the potable water needs within the North Lee County Service area.


This property purchase is located in an area where previous test wells (earlier this year) indicated high water quality and flows.  This is the first location in the Phase 1 area, which is expected to have 4 wells to supplement the existing wells and allow for proper rotation of the wells for maintenance and to manage the overall health of the wellfield.  Cost for this phase is anticipated to be approximately $7M and wells are to be under construction next year pending property acquisition.


Phase 2 of this wellfield expansion includes 8 wells (assuming a certain production that will be verified during test well construction).  The wells are expected to be $1M each with the piping necessary to return to the plant at about $1M per mile with a final route yet to be determined.  Preliminary cost estimate of these wells is $13M.   The plant expansion of 5 MGD is estimated at $40M.  Schedule for construction of the Plant expansion and Phase 2 wells is 2021 with plant completion anticipated in 2024.


The acquisition of Parcel 108 (±3.28-acres) will provide the area required for the purpose of installing a necessary raw water well.

Owner:  Patricia Huffmaster

Site Address:  6751 Rich Road, North Fort Myers

STRAP No.: 07-43-25-00-00005.0000


Purchase Price: $100,000

Estimated Closing Costs:  $15,000 (Costs include environmental assessment, surveying and closing expenses)


Appraisal Information:  See the attached Value Justification Report.


The subject property has not sold in the last five years.

 A)Current year dollar amount of item:
 B)Is this item approved in the current budget?Yes
 C)Is this a revenue or expense item?Expense
 D)Is this Discretionary or Mandatory?Discretionary   
 E)Will this item impact future budgets?
If yes, please include reasons in III(D) above.
 F)Fund: Utilities Capital Improvement
Program: Capital Improvement
Project: North Lee County Water Treatment Plant Wellfield Expansion to 15 Million Gallons
Account Strings: 20761948730.506199  
 G) Fund Type?Enterprise   
DescriptionUpload DateType
Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Real Estate5/30/2019Agreement
Value Justification Report5/30/2019Backup Material
Title Search5/30/2019Backup Material
Map5/30/2019Backup Material
061819R-C10-Purchase Agr of Real Estate-Patricia Huffmaster-6751 Rich Rd6/27/2019Agreement
061819R-C10-Purchase Agr of Real Estate-Patricia Huffmaster-6751 Rich Rd6/27/2019Agreement
061819R-C-10-Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Real Estate11/7/2022Agreement
County LandsClemens, RobertApproved5/30/2019 - 10:19 AM
County LandsKeyes, Pamela Approved6/3/2019 - 11:05 AM
Budget ServicesGuttery, AngelaApproved6/3/2019 - 2:06 PM
Budget ServicesWinton, PeterApproved6/3/2019 - 2:14 PM
County AttorneyJacob, Michael D.Approved6/3/2019 - 2:45 PM
County ManagerSalyer, Glen Approved6/11/2019 - 4:13 PM